Good morning,
Its 5:45 am and I've been up for awhile. Today is chemo round #4 and I have mixed feelings. A part of me dreads the day and weekend (only natural, I guess) and the other part of me rejoices to go on through. I have to remind myself that each treatment is like a rung on the ladder. At least I have some sense of forward motion and a movement toward the destination.
When I got up this morning I just knew I couldn't wait to open my third blessing box. Julie brought it to me yesterday and prayed over me. I have just read every note, verse and gift. I feel like I'm drinking in an early morning boost of strength. Thanks again to you amazing ladies. Each box has held a unique vibe and come at exactly the right moment. I am so blessed. I will carry you with me today and through the weekend and look forward to the day I can say thanks face to face.
Not only am I in for treatment this morning, but my mom, Marilyn has cataract surgery this morning. Thanks again to LC for taking her on my behalf. I'm confident she'll do well, but would you please agree with me again? Her procedure is at about 9:00 this morning and should last about 30 minutes.
Talked to my mom in law Molly yesterday who said she had experienced about 4 good days in a row. That's encouraging. Wondering if the new medication may be making an impact? Prayer point again.
My schedule has become challenging - probably just like you. It was a real relief to get the boys and Ashley back in school this week. I made one more late night run last night for school supplies while Mark took Matthew to football practice again. John and Matt have their first football games this weekend and Luke starts next week. I think I'll have to miss Matt's on Saturday - so I'm kind of bummed about that. But there are lots of games and I'm making to make as many as I can. Everyone, including Ashley, seems
satisfied with schedules and teachers.
Ashley's been working SWAT (freshman orientation) at
DBU. She seems to have loved it! Please pray for her too as her fall schedule is demanding with work and school and leadership opportunities. Would you mind praying with us for favor with the financial aid department? Her paper work didn't get processed until this week and we're really entering the semester on financial faith. We've submitted a request for some special consideration due to circumstances but are waiting.
I don't want to forget to let you know how much we've appreciated all the food that has continued to roll into our home. So many amazing meals! Thanks Lynnell, Paula, Angie, Lanae, Colleen, Tina,
Christy, Paula, Lorena - I hope I didn't forget anyone because I assure you they didn't forget us. Our refrigerator is always full and our love tank, too! Thank you so much.
I realize I've been sporadic in my writing the last few weeks - I hope I haven't lost you or overly concerned you. I am distracted in many ways and grateful for your continued prayer. I am
definitely into a battle for my mind and emotions. I am not unstable, but under constant barrage. Each day I arise and ask God to do battle with me and for me. My progress feels suspended and threatened. This ground is more rocky and uphill. I am praying for hinds feet to go on and up with God.
After 6:00 am - time to rally the
troops and face the day. May the Lord lift you up, make His presence known to you and give us all strength for the battle.
I love you,