Butterfly Sparks Designs

Monday, June 22, 2009

Welcome to my journey!

Welcome friends and family! Thanks for dropping by my brand new blog - aptly called Journey with Jan. I find I'm on a brand new leg of my life trip - a little detour I did not plan. I would so honored if you would walk with me for awhile....

Special thanks to Amy and her friend for setting me up with such a cute site. I knew I wanted to chat, but I didn't know how to get started. I appreciate you setting me in motion!

A lot of you know that I've had a recently been diagnosed with breast cancer. In the past ten days I've had a whirlwind of scans, biopsies, blood tests and doctor visits. Today I received a medical port in my shoulder and I am scheduled for my first round of chemo on Wednesday of this week. I don't know lots of things about the days ahead, but I'll keep you posted as we journey together.

I want to thank you for carrying my family on the wings of prayer. My husband has been loved on, my children are stable and I feel a supernatural peace deep in my core. I am amazed that so many friends and family are storming the gates of heaven on our behalf. You are so appreciated and so needed. Please keep praying for us.

There was some discussion this week about my being overwhelmed with calls, text, etc. No way - please keep them coming. Even if I can't respond, your notes and calls are a huge blessing to me. Everytime I feel scared or threatened, I've opened my email or text or facebook and found faith right in my hand. I can't do without it! If you are interested you can find me on facebook and I also twitter. I would be honored if you care to "follow".

People are asking how they can help. I'm not sure yet, but I know I will need help. Mark is better at saying we need this or that. (Thanks, Eddie, for driving me today.) I think we'll be posting some immediate needs in the next few days. No obligation, just opportunities! Prayer is essential, food is nice and transporation may be an issue.

I know I'm not the only one walking through a valley. If you need encouragement and prayer, I hope this verse will bless you as it is blessing me! Glorify the Lord with me, let us exalt his name together!

I sought the Lord and He answered me. He delivered me from all my fears. Those who look to Him are radiant. This poor man called and the Lord heard him. He saved him out of all his troubles. The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear Him and He delivers them. Psalm 34:4-7.

Love to you,



The Ehles said...

I am glad that I can follow in your journey, praying for you constantly! I pray that God's peace and love will surround you daily. God Bless Jan!!

Stacy Ehle

Unknown said...

Bless you Jan - for your strength, your courage and your willingness to allow others to 'walk with you' through these challenging days.
You are loved, and held in prayer.
Deborah Mash

Anonymous said...

"Again, I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven. For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them." Matt. 18:19-20 I hope you find comfort in knowing that there are so many gathering around you as you take this journey. We will, in Tammy Marcelain's words, "be bothering God" on your behalf. Lots of love from Abilene...

Jennifer said...
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Jennifer said...

I am Amy's sister, we have talked a couple of times about you prophecying over me and how life changing that was for me! You are an amazing woman and I am and will continue to be praying for you! I thought about you this morning as I listened to my Kari Jobe CD and was listening to song 12, and I am sure you already love that song, but I just kept thinking about you and the words of that song, He is so faithful and He is for You! If there is anything I can do, let me know! Jennifer

Michelle Benami said...

Jan, know that prayers are being lifted up to our Father on your behalf for strength, healing, comfort and peace during your treatment. Found these verses and thought of you:
"Contend, O Lord, with those who (OR WHAT) contend with me; Fight against what fights against me. Take up shield and buckler; ARISE and come to my aid. Brandish spear and javelin against what pursues me. Say to my soul, " I AM YOUR SALVATION"!! Love that! He fights for you, Jan, even when you don't have the strength to fight for yourself! And all those praying for you are standing in the gap and fighting for you as well!! Bless you, sweet one!

Michelle Benami said...

Sorry, forgot the reference for the verses! Psalm 35:1-3

Lynnell said...

Jan thanks for doing this for us!!
I want you to have me in speed dial and call me for ANYTHING,,, laundry driving etc....
I am honor to have you as my Sweet Friend!!!
I love you

Dianne Bennett said...

We were under great pressure, far beyond our ability to endure, so that we despaired even of life. Indeed, in our hearts we felt the sentence of death. But this happened that we might not rely on ourselves but on God, who raises the dead. He HAS delivered us from such a deadly peril, and he WILL deliver us. On HIM we have set our hope that he will CONTINUE to deliver us, as you help us by your prayers. THEN MANY will give thanks on our behalf for the gracious favor granted us in answer to the prayers of many. 2 Cor 1:8-11
Eye has not seen...Ear has not heard...mind has not conceived what God has prepared for those who love HIM.......
LOVE BELIEVES ALL things, HOPES ALL things...ENDURES ALL things...

Standing strong with you.
Dianne B.

Kim Fox said...

Jan sweet friend Thank You for sharing your Journey with your friends and family you are so Loved by so many you are so richly Blessed Know that your sisters are standing in the Gap for you . Babbie Mason sings Standing In The Gap If I could sing I would sing it to you . Praying God will strengthen you tomorrow and the days to come may you rest with no fear . Proverbs 3:24 when you lie down, you will not be afraid , when you lie down your sleep will be sweet . I Love you sweet friend Kim Fox

sacha said...

We are a band of warriors standing with you! You are not alone & I keep singing the Overcomer's Song over you, sweet sister in Christ!!

minda312 said...

i just heard the news today.

prayers have not ceased since I heard.

we serve a good God.

jerri said...

I cried for you today then I prayed God would spare you that many tears.
There is an unexplainable strength that is encountered in the midst of brokenness, it's something you cant describe but only experience.In the very midst of pain theres something tender and beautiful that God does in us.Only exactly where you are today can bring you there.
I pray God's supernatural strength for you, the peace that passes our understanding (literally!)enough grace to sustain you in all things!and courage to let God be big in this.
He doesnt need to be reminded who you are Jan, you are intimately familiar to him. He's already got a plan!
Joining in faith and frienship to hold up your arms.
Romans 8:31 is my life scripture,"If God be for us, who then can be against us"
XX Much love XX

Hallie Calvin said...


I will be praying for you as you embark on this journey. From reading the comments, it sounds like the heavens will be stormed on your behalf.

Lemonade Lady said...

Jan, I love you so and I am standing with you on this journey. I know we will have many & then God.....moments to add to your testimony. You have already gained the victory - and with many friends and our mighty God we will see every battle won. Be strong and courageous.


kim yates said...

Love the blog. I'll be following it daily. Enjoy this bright sunshiny day. Luv ya, Kim

Amy Pennington said...

God Bless you Jan. You have been in my prayers all week! I pray that you will continue to feel that supernatural peace!

cp dreams said...
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Connie Patterson said...


I love you so much... you can count on me to be standing in the gap for and with you through this journey.

love always,
connie patterson

Lena Nelson Dooley said...

Jan, you are in my heart, my prayers, and my thoughts. I've walked this road with my mother-in-law. Sometimes, it's not easy, but God can sustain you if you let Him, and it sounds as though you are.

I've loved you and appreciated you for what you've done in the women's ministry. I would love to give back to you. I'll be looking for the list to come out.

If Amy and her friend would add FeedBlitz or Feedburner or some way that we can sign up for the blog so it will feed into our Email Inbox, it would really help me keep up. I know you have RSS feed on here, but I forget to check it out. But if it came into my Inbox, I'd be reminded each time you post to pray extra.

Brynne Daniel said...

You are an absolute inspiration in all areas of your life. I am so grateful that the Lord has blessed me with your friendship. I know that the Lord is faithful to those who are faithful to Him. You will come out of this with an unbelievable testimony because we are claiming COMPLETE HEALING!!! Love you!

Holly said...


You are an awesome woman and have been so helpful to me. I want to be there to pray for you. I hope you can come to the healing rooms some Monday night. We have awesome teams that can hold your arms up in prayer and hear the Lord for encouragement. You are entitled to your healing from the atonement and we will help you defeat this enemy. Love, Holly Smith

Karen Scoggins said...


I am lost for words with a sadden heart and tears in my eyes I am sitting hear thinking of your beautiful smile and what an inspiritation you are to me.


I Love you and I will be with you every step of the way.

Karen Scoggins

Anonymous said...

You rock, sistah-friend! Thanks for doing the blog so we can keep up and pray with knowledge! I have been thinking about you so much and adding my prayers to the throngs of others. Faith is high - we're there with you on your journey!


Janet Hoes said...


Thank you sweet friend for being the awesome thoughtful person you are and sharing your journey with us, where some may find it easier to shut everyone out. I will be honored to pray for you without ceasing, my sweetest "pinkalicous" friend.

I love you!
Janet Hoes

Anonymous said...

I will be following your journey with you ms.Jan!! I pray for supernatural strength, peace and comfort! You are already healed sister! God's timing is always perfect! <3

Amber Rhoads said...

Jan...you are a ray of sunshine and a true woman of God. You have a servant's heart and I know the Lord's hand is on your life. He is not surprised by this...and He will be faithful to complete a healing work with you. I pray that this chemo does not give you any problems and the doctors will be the ones surprised. i am in Flower Mound...so if you need anything...anything at all....a ride...a meal...an errand. Please let me know. :) Your Gateway family loves you.
Amber Rhoads

Dianne Bennett said...

Dearest Jan
Thinking of you today and applying God's potent healing to all that is running through your body. God, please let the chemo be kind to Jan's body and please make it potent with YOUR potency against all cancer in her body. We believe a better word and that word is complete divine health according to your kingdom. Lord, restore Jan in Jesus name and cover her and her family with the BLOOD of Jesus. The LORD is coming against every radical cell that does not belong in your body and is bring your body into divine order, IN JESUS NAME. We speak blessing over your bones, your breasts, your tissues, your cells, your lymph glands, your blood. Let it be as it is in heaven according your God's blueprint.
Thank you Jesus. Thank you and we bless you for your completed work, Jesus. Give Jan a spirit of wisdom and revelation concerning you TODAY, LORD. We ask for new revelation and new realms of glory. We ask for a deep work head to toe, in Jesus name.

Sweet Jan..You are on my mind and in my heart. I bless you in Jesus name. I speak healing over your heart and your mind and emotions. You are a treasure for whom God gave his dearest possession to purchase. I love and adore you.

Karen Scoggins said...

My Dear Jan,

Today is Wednesday and there are no more tears I am so very, very happy to hear the good new you got from your doctors and know there will be more good new to come. What a beautiful family you have look at those boys...it a wonder you ever get out of the house. I know today was a tuff day but by now it is over and hopefully you are resting peacefully my friend. My God Be With You!

Karen Scoggins

salina duffy said...

Our Hope Endures by Natalie Grant is the song that I keep hearing for you. You and your precious family are in my prayers. Our Hope Endures the worst of conditions, it's more than our optimism, let the earth quake, our hope is unchanged. Emmanuel, God is with us! He is All sufficient! Believing and trusting for complete healing and full recovery for you! Love Salina